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Shipping Inquiries

  • Which location do orders ship from?
    Orders are sent out from various centrally located dealerships/manufacturers all throughout the United States to ensure that you get your order delivered fast.
  • Can you ship to international customers?
    No, we do not ship internationally.
  • How long is the processing time before an order is shipped out to me?
    It typically takes 1 to 3 business days for us to process an order after our verification team approves it. Sometimes, orders may take longer to send out to you if the item is unavailable locally or if the item is on backorder by the manufacturer. If there is a scenario where it takes longer than 3 business days, you will receive a follow-up email to keep you informed on your order status. Once your order is sent out to you, the ETA is up to the shipping method and your location.
  • What's the shipping carrier's timeframe for my order to be delivered to my location?
    We are not able to tell you a specific time of day when your package will be delivered.

    USPS: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday - Saturday.
    UPS Ground: 9:00 a.m.- 7:00 p.m., Monday - Friday.
    FedEx Ground: 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m., Monday - Friday.

    You can track your package on the shipping carrier's official website by tracking number to get the latest updates.
  • Which shipping companies are used to ship orders? What is the meaning of "Best Standard Delivery"?
    We work together with USPS, UPS and FedEx for sending out orders.
    All orders which have "Best Standard Delivery" selected will be shipped by USPS Priority Mail, FedEx Ground, or UPS Ground. You also have the choice of selecting the "Overnight" shipping option for eligible items at checkout. Contingent on the shipping destination you provided, our system will immediately determine the fastest shipper for you. Most orders typically arrive at the customer's location within 1-3 business days after orders ship out from our centrally located authorized dealerships.
  • If I choose the Overnight shipping option, does my order ship out the same day it's placed?
    Overnight shipping only applies to the transit time after the order is shipped out to you. Processing time for orders can take 1-3 business days if the items have to be ordered from the manufacturer. Express shipping does not impact the standard processing time of order.
  • Do you ship orders to P.O. Boxes, APO or FPO addresses?
    Yes, We only use USPS for P.O. Boxes, APO and FPO, and it takes additional time to delivery. Express shipping or over sized item shipments cannot be shipped to these addresses.
  • Can I give you my own shipping account information to be used to send out my order?
    No, third party shipping is not available.
  • My order shipped and is presently in transit to my location. How do I contact the shipping carrier to request a hold on my order?
    You can reach out to your local USPS/UPS/FedEx customer support center or storage facility for additional details.

    For UPS: 1-800-742-5877
    For FedEx: 1-800-463-3339
    For USPS: 1-800-275-8777
  • Can I consolidate separate orders so that I can reduce the shipping costs?
    No, our system does not allow us to consolidate separate orders. You have the option to contact us to request to cancel the original separate orders. Once the orders are canceled, you can place a new order with the complete parts in one order.
  • Can I have the delivery address changed on an order that shipped and is on its way to my location?
    No, we are unable to change the shipping address once the order is shipped.

    This is a security measure to avoid fraud. An order can only be sent to the stated address on the original order. In some scenarios, an order can be held at a local shipping carrier's office for pick up. You can reach out to the shipping carrier to get additional details about pickup options.